Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Kau Yan Church

Antiquities & Monuments Office – Grade 1 Listed Building
Products Used: Keim Concretal Lasur
Keim Concretal Lasur was used to match and blend the new stones to create a look undistinguishable from the original set.
History: The site was originally home to a church, together with a school and offices, built in 1861 by the Basel Mission for a congregation from the Hakka community. The Tsung Tsin Mission was established in 1924 to take over the church, which was granted independence in 1927. The church being rebuilt and completed in 1932. It renamed Kau Yan Church., it was designed by Palmer & Turner Architects in concrete and stone in the Gothic Revival style with pointed arches and applied buttresses. From the tower above the altar at the northern end, the building naturally follows the slope of the terrain. The adjoining school and residential site were redeveloped in 1958 and then again in 1995.
Suite 3809, 38/F., Skyline Tower, No. 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay,
Kowloon, Hong Kong.
+852 2156 1248